
Made by Jordi van der Lem

A C#/VR project



The pistol

Gunstomization is a game about starting with almost nothing and working your way to the top. This is why the player begins with only a pistol and nothing else.

This pistol is the base of the game and everything within the game revolves around the pistol and upgrading it.


Upgrade slots

The pistol the player has at the start of the game has four upgrade slots. These slots accept only the appropriate upgrade types for that specific slot. This means that you can't put a magazine in the barrel upgrade slot.

The upgrade slots will show a blue hologram of the upgrade that can be inserted into the empty upgrade slot. If the slot is already in use, it will show a red hologram.

These upgrade slots also have a special feature. If the player has an upgrade that can be placed on the pistol, the player can also throw the gun towards the upgrade and it will automatically equip on the pistol. This mechanism results in fun and fast loadout switching.



This game is all about customizing your gun and finding the playstyle you like the most. That is why it is required that with the attachements, a lot of combinations can be made. The game currently has four attachment sets. These sets are: The sniper/minigun/shotgun and granade laucher set. Each of these sets contributes to a new playstyle. If four sets are not enough, there is also the possiblity to combine set parts and make a whole other gun.

Each attachment has its own base stats like spread/damage or ammo velocity. As example: the player can make a shotgun, but maybe does not like the spread of it. In this case so he can put on a sniper barrel to decrease the spread of the bullets.


Combination Power

Combining different parts from different guns can lead to very powerful weapons. To make sure that full sets of a gun are still good within the game, I included special bonuses when the player equips his pistol with 3 or 4 parts of a set. An example of such a boost is shown in the video.

In the video you can see the pistol equipped with full granade launcher set. Because it is the full set, the weapon begins to glow and becomes "super powered". The effect the weapon gets upon equipping with three set parts is an increase in explosion size. The fourth power boost is explosion on impact. Normally, the grenades need some time to explode, so this is really a useful boost.

Other set bonuses are:

  • Sniper

    • 3 Increase range

    • 4 Penetrating bullets

  • Minigun

    • 3 Fully automatic

    • 4 Accuracy increases as the player uses the gun more

  • Shotgun

    • 3 More bullets and increased damage

    • 4 Even more bullets and even more increased damage

Custom guns

Here you can see some of the expansion sets that are possible in the game.



Event system

The game makes use of an Event system. When the player walks in a room, he will go through a trigger box explosion that will activate everything in that room.



In the game there are crystals everywhere. These crystals provide light and indication. The color of the crystal changes when the player walks into a room where the player has not been before. The color of the crystals indicate that it is time for fighting. The crystals will go back to their normal color when all enemies in the room have been defeated


This game is released on itch io Link